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Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Farm Gets Federal Approval

The Interior Department on Tuesday approved a plan to install up to 176 giant wind turbines off the coast of Virginia, clearing the way...

Hearing Aids Are More Affordable, and Perhaps More Needed, Than Ever

A year ago, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced new regulations permitting the sale of over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids and establishing standards for...

These Tiny, Beautiful Wasps Eat the Hearts Out of Cockroaches

If you loathe cockroaches, you’re going to love the emerald jewel wasp.Females of the species Ampulex compressa, known also as emerald cockroach wasps, are...

Old Faithful Is Boiling, Smelly and the Perfect Home for These Living Things

Yellowstone National Park is a North American hot spot for wildlife. The park’s mountains, forests, and meadows are home to the largest concentration of...

NASA Reveals First Pictures of Osiris-Rex Asteroid Samples

The jackpot from a seven-year mission to bring back bits of an asteroid was unveiled on Wednesday.NASA officials in Houston displayed images of salt-and-pepper...

Scientists Use CRISPR to Make Chickens More Resistant to Bird Flu

Scientists have used the gene-editing technology known as CRISPR to create chickens that have some resistance to avian influenza, according to a new study...

Grizzlies Are Increasing in Numbers. Learning to Live With Them.

Aries, an Anatolian shepherd, vigilantly observes a stranger approaching a pen where he resides with other members of his family. Within the pen, along...

Kaiser Permanente Health Workers Near End of Strike

Kaiser Permanente health care workers completed their three-day strike on Friday and were expected to resume work early Saturday morning without a new contract.Negotiation...

Feeling Terrible After Your Covid Shot? Then It’s Probably Working.

A new study suggests that the side effects experienced after receiving a Covid vaccine may actually be a sign of a strong immune response....

Elon Musk Says SpaceX Could Land on Mars in 3 to 4 Years

Quotable Quote: On getting to Mars."I think it’s sort of feasible within the next four years to do an uncrewed test landing there," Mr....

Nobel Prize in Chemistry Awarded to 3 Quantum Dots Researchers

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded on Wednesday to Moungi G. Bawendi, Louis E. Brus and Alexei I. Ekimov for being pioneers of...

Same-Sex Behavior Evolved in Many Mammals to Reduce Conflict, Study Suggests

In more than 1,500 animal species, from crickets and sea urchins to bottlenose dolphins and bonobos, scientists have observed sexual encounters between members of...