HomeTechnologyFlying a sports car with wings

Flying a sports car with wings

The intuitive amphibious ICON A5, resembling a sports car, requires a sports pilot license to fly. Located in Tampa, Florida, CNN had the opportunity to test fly the ICON A5. With zero experience in piloting, the author took control of the plane and was impressed by its maneuverability, comparing it to driving a car. The CEO of ICON, Kirk Hawkins, emphasizes that his goal was to create an airplane for the average person to experience flying without the burden of becoming a professional pilot. The plane, designed to prioritize freedom and ease of flying, is unlike anything else on the market. The author describes their flight experience, including flying in formation with another ICON A5 and a water-landing pit stop. Hawkins believes the plane has the ability to inspire people and change their perception of the world. Safety was a priority in the design, with spin resistance and a complete airplane parachute as backup features. The ICON A5 has attracted potential buyers who are not pilots, indicating its appeal to aviation newcomers. With over 1,800 customers putting down deposits, there is a high demand for the aircraft. For those not ready to purchase their own, options to fly for a day or take flying classes are available at ICON’s training facilities in Tampa and Vacaville, California.